Welcome to Social Capital Academy
Succeeding in college is more than graduating – even if you are the first in your family to do so. And it is more than your GPA. Succeeding is ultimately about using your time in college to set the stage for a fulfilling work life and taking the first step toward finding an exciting career–related job.
This is where “social capital” comes in. Social capital refers to the networks that surround you, and using and building those networks, day by day, to access or create new resources and opportunities to help you build your career.
The Social Capital Academy will help you to both understand the importance of building a professional network as well as to actually create a network of experienced, friendly career professionals in the areas of interest to you. We also help you sharpen your personal story to connect and impress, and ultimately learn from, these successful professionals. Our goal is to help you find the career and career-related jobs that genuinely promise you a bright future.
The time to be thinking about all this is NOT a few weeks before you graduate, but in your JUNIOR year when you can do a whole lot of things to influence your career and future right away.
The Social Capital Academy teaches you how to 1) relate your personal story in a way that is attractive to potential employers, 2) meet successful professionals in your prospective fields of interest who can help you to clarify and expand your next career steps, 3) create a professional network, and 4) develop an action plan to advance toward a meaningful career while you are still in college.
Why get involved?
SCA offers you an opportunity to understand and learn how to effectively articulate the true value you bring to potential employers. It equally helps you expand your understanding of potential jobs and careers of interest. This type of hands-on customized career attention is not typically part of a traditional academic curriculum and provides an uncommon benefit for students who may not have an established network or professional role models or mentors to turn to.
How much time will this take?
The program is not deeply time intensive. The program itself takes place virtually (on Zoom) in four 3 hour modules over a 3-month period. In between sessions, you will have optional opportunities to connect with your mentor and other career professionals in your professional areas of interest for additional support. In business, for example, these include areas like accounting, marketing, and information systems. In engineering, these include computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering.
How do I apply?
If you are an interested CSUF Junior in business or engineering let us know. Our next Social Capital Academy programs will be offered in Spring 2024. Closer to the start of the SCA, we will ask you to fill out a quick survey to tell us a bit about you and your career goals. It will also help us to pair you with the best mentors and career professionals for your needs. If you are from CSUF or from another university and interested in the SCA, email Professor David Obstfeld at dobstfeld@fullerton.edu.
Does it cost anything?
There is no cost for the program!
However, spots for the SCA are limited, so contact us today!